I love helping my students understand how they fit into the world around them.


  • 教师

Dr. Rowe is a passionate professor of children's literature who has a lifelong love for stories, 迪士尼与世界文化. 她经常去迪斯尼乐园, not only as a fan who enjoys the shows and attractions but also as a scholar who conducts research on the media and messages of the parks. She explores how children's media is constructed and received by various audiences and how it shapes their views of themselves and the world. She also loves teaching her students to find their own voices and to critically analyze the media they encounter every day. For her, teaching is the most fulfilling and rewarding aspect of her career.

与医生的对话. 丽贝卡罗


More than anything, I've always loved helping people, and that's how I view my teaching. I'm helping my students understand how they fit into the world around them. 我在帮助她们找到、强化并运用她们的声音. I'm helping them analyze and understand the various media they engage with daily. 我喜欢去了解我的学生, 他们的教育和人生目标, and getting to walk along their paths with them for a while, 帮助他们实现自己的目标. Getting to listen to my students and watching them grow as thinkers and scholars really is just the most rewarding part of my career.


I knew pretty early on that I wanted to be an 英语 professor, 主要是因为我一直很喜欢听故事. I decided to focus on children's literature simply because it's the type of literature that I love most. My particular focus on childhood and adulthood as seen in children's media came about partially because of a conversation between my mom and uncle when I was working on my bachelor’s degree. He asked her when I was going to stop watching “all that kid's stuff.我妈妈简单地回答说:“等她爸爸来的时候。.” It was the first time that I really understood that it was unusual for me (and my parents) to regularly engage with children's media. I was confused by the idea that we would suddenly be interested in a different kind of media when we hit a specific age and decided I needed to understand how my uncle and I could have such differing opinions on when children's media is appropriate. 从那里, I started researching what made children's literature “for children” and why adults love it so much if it's supposedly not intended for them. Understanding audiences, both real and implied, eventually became my main research focus.

What is a project you are working (academic or otherwise) on or have 完成?

我正在创办和编辑 国际迪士尼研究杂志, the first peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to all things Disney, 和我在萨里大学的同事Robyn Muir. We're working with scholars from every continent besides Antarctica to bring together research from a wide range of disciplines (including literature, 电影, 媒体研究, 文化研究, 范主研究社会学, 心理学, 音乐学, business and tourism studies) to better understand how this media behemoth affects our lives and cultures.


As a scholar and a fan, I'd have to say Walt Disney World in Kissimmee, Florida. I grew up going there with my family and some of my fondest childhood memories took place there. 现在, 我仍然喜欢帕克斯一家, especially being able to see that many shows in such a short amount of time. Also, as a Disney scholar, going there doubles as a research trip, which is highly convenient.


在不同的时间点, 我想成为一名演员, a marine biologist and an archeologist (among other things). I think that my job as a professor is a strange combination of what drew me to each of those careers: I get to perform in front of a class of people and learn new things about cultures through my research. If I can just figure out how to make swimming with dolphins a regular part of my work, 我会打出三连击!

两到五句话的引言. 神的恩赐,神的恩赐,神的恩赐. Quae autumn natura susua primae institutions是义务机构? Quamquam haec quidem praeposita recte et reiecta dicere licebit. Quare hoc videndum est, possitne nobis hoc ratio philosophorum dare. Luxuriam non reprehendit, modo sit vacua infinita cupiditate et timore. Atque his de rebus et splendida est eorum et illustris oratio. 嗨,我的儿子,我的儿子,我的儿子? 在性感的公司里——亚当, 如果能见度, 硬, 杜姆·伊普萨, ut vultis, 我们的身体状况很好. Duo Reges:结构解释.

与医生的对话. FirstName姓

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending A&移动商务?

“回答. 神的恩赐,神的恩赐,神的恩赐. Quae autumn natura susua primae institutions是义务机构? Quamquam haec quidem praeposita recte et reiecta dicere licebit. Quare hoc videndum est, possitne nobis hoc ratio philosophorum dare. Luxuriam non reprehendit, modo sit vacua infinita cupiditate et timore. Atque his de rebus et splendida est eorum et illustris oratio. 嗨,我的儿子,我的儿子,我的儿子? 在性感的公司里——亚当, 如果能见度, 硬, 杜姆·伊普萨, ut vultis, 我们的身体状况很好. Duo Reges:结构解释.”


“回答. 神的恩赐,神的恩赐,神的恩赐. Quae autumn natura susua primae institutions是义务机构? Quamquam haec quidem praeposita recte et reiecta dicere licebit. Quare hoc videndum est, possitne nobis hoc ratio philosophorum dare. Luxuriam non reprehendit, modo sit vacua infinita cupiditate et timore. Atque his de rebus et splendida est eorum et illustris oratio. 嗨,我的儿子,我的儿子,我的儿子? 在性感的公司里——亚当, 如果能见度, 硬, 杜姆·伊普萨, ut vultis, 我们的身体状况很好. Duo Reges:结构解释.”

Tell us about an academic project you are working on or recently 完成.

“回答. 神的恩赐,神的恩赐,神的恩赐. Quae autumn natura susua primae institutions是义务机构? Quamquam haec quidem praeposita recte et reiecta dicere licebit. Quare hoc videndum est, possitne nobis hoc ratio philosophorum dare. Luxuriam non reprehendit, modo sit vacua infinita cupiditate et timore. Atque his de rebus et splendida est eorum et illustris oratio. 嗨,我的儿子,我的儿子,我的儿子? 在性感的公司里——亚当, 如果能见度, 硬, 杜姆·伊普萨, ut vultis, 我们的身体状况很好. Duo Reges:结构解释.”


  • Ph.D., 英语, 康涅狄格大学, 2021
  • M.A., 英语,儿童文学课程, 堪萨斯州立大学, 2016
  • B.A., 英国文学与历史, 霍林斯大学, 2014


  • 儿童文学、媒介与文化
  • 电影电视
  • 视觉文化
  • 流行文化
  • 粉丝和粉丝圈
  • 数字人文


  • 儿童与青少年文学
  • 电影
  • 英语教育
  • 数字人文
  • 300年英格 阅读,分析,文学教学
  • 305年英格 儿童文学
  • 406年英格 青少年文学
  • 504年英格 图形的故事
  • 505年英格 儿童文学史
  • 506年英格 青少年文学中的问题
  • 507年英格 儿童与适应
  • 508年英格 儿童文学中的现实


  • 奖项名称,组织名称,2040
  • 奖项名称,组织名称,2040
  • 奖项名称,组织名称,2040
  • 奖项名称,组织名称,2040


  • 感兴趣
  • 感兴趣
  • 感兴趣


  • 我们的教材资料馆: A digital archive of the teaching materials students develops in Dr. 罗的课程(经学生许可), 当然)这样学生们就可以从彼此的想法中受益, 无论是在课堂上还是在工作中, 以及我自己策划的额外教学资源.
  • 多模态,电影和你: an educational website for students designing multimodal projects to explore how different media will interact with exploration and presentation of 电影.


  • 罗,R. (2022). 迪士尼做迪士尼:重新发行, 重塑, 以及为新一代重新讲述动画电影, 流行影视杂志, 50:3, 98-111, DOI: 10.1080/01956051.2022.2094868
  • 罗,R. (2021). 谁能上公共汽车? Tracing Conceptions of Race in and around The Magic School Bus from 1986 to 2018. 狮子和独角兽45(3),274-290. http://muse.jhu.edu/article/853489
  • 罗,R. (2019). A Tale of Two Mothers: Recombining Villainy and Motherhood in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Gender and Female Villains in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives: From Evil Queens to Wicked Witches, 由Natalie Le Clue和Janelle Vermaak-Griessel编辑, 翡翠出版, 2022, 35-46.
  • 罗,R.亨德森,T., & 王,T. (2021). Text mining, Hermione Granger, and fan fiction: What's in a name? 变革性作品与文化. http://doi.org/10.3983/twc.2021.1997
  • 罗,R. (2019). 塑造女孩:分析动画女性的身体形状. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1746847719829871
  • 罗,R. (2018). 越准确越好? 分析反应录像中的适应接收情况. 牛津大学出版社的学术. http://doi.org/10.1093/adaptation/apx026

